Saturday, January 18, 2014

Five Months Abroad

So I came to the realization a couple days ago that this next week will be five months since I left The Dalles and began my foreign exchange (actually I counted wrong the first time and thought it was six, now that one was scary). I'm having problems wrapping my mind around the fact that my exchange is more than halfway over. Everyone always says that your exchange flies by, especially after Christmas, but oh my gosh I had no idea how fast! If anyone has a way to stop time, please let me know. I'll reimburse you fully with plate of Norwegian chocolate I swear.

I do not understand how life could go by so quickly. You always hear your parents saying that when your growing up and can't wait to rip off those training wheels and do what your sugar fixated and too curious for your own good self wants. Actually, saying that now, I'm not sure just how much of that has changed on my behalf, but of course that's besides the point. Back to what I was saying, looking back it always seemed my parents always said stuff like, "Oh, just wait Mary, it'll come soon enough and when it does it'll come fast", of course though, when your young, how much of that do you really hear? Life has come by and quite literally taken me by surprise, it seems like just yesterday I was 16 counting down, and planning anxiously for my year abroad and now I'm here five months through, just celebrated my 17th with my 18th and socially given status of "adult" feeling right around the corner.

With this realization, I have to really begin to ask myself what my hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes may be, especially now when many of the decisions that I make like college, jobs, grades and relationships, will very much shape my later life. I feel very lucky to have this experience to be able to really actually learn more about myself and make those decisions a little bit easier on myself in the future. I feel you really have to leave your comforts to be able to understand yourself without many of the very influential people and factors in your life. We often adapt to the world around us, but when that world is flipped and you have to learn all over again, I've found it interesting to find the things I've kept and given up in myself, all without the influences I once had. These things are what I found are the most important to me and what I want to always have in the future and I feel very fortunate to now understand that.

Ok, now I understand that I was going to focus on Christmas in this blog and I promise that is super interesting and I have so much to talk about on the subject! Today this just seemed like something really important to say. Anyways, hope everyone is well and has an amazing New Years so far!

Here are some random and not very relevant pictures:

Twigs in the sunset at 3 pm in the middle of December

Homes built off the ocean and a very conspicuous looking sailor...

The view from my families cabin in Rindal.

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