So to be defined, a "matpakke" basically just translated to, mat = food and pakke = pack. So I bring a "food pack" to school everyday. My school has a cafeteria as well, and the food is so much better than in the average American schools. But it is as well is much more expensive, not outrageous of course because I believe the school only breaks even and does not turn a profit, but definitely not the kind of place you can eat everyday, especially not with a student budget.
So without further to do, here are THE DIARIES OF A MATPAKKE this week *Bum ba ba buuuuuummmm!*
Mondays Matpakke: Bread with Norwegian cheese, cucumbers and a box of raisins. This one is probably my favorite.
Tuesdays Matpakke: Cracker bread with Norwegian cheese and a box of raisins.
Wednesdays Mattpakke: Pizza Swirls with cheese, pizza sauce and ham. Yumm
Thursdays Matpakke: None! I start school at 11:30! :)
Fridays Matpakke: Peanut butter and Nugatti (basically nutella) sandwich and a kiwi. This is a very dangerously good combination....
So yes! I believe that concludes Mattpakke Diarys for the week! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their Autumn!
Oh yes and random side note: we may get snow here soon (YAY!!).
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