Friday, April 25, 2014

God Påske fra Norge! Happy Easter from Norway!

Hello! We recently celebrated Easter here in Norway! And oh my gosh was it different than from The States, only in the best possible ways though! :)

The first really large difference was that we had a week and a day free from school and most businesses were closed on the Holy Days and took on an "Easter Schedule" through the rest of the week. It was really actually most comparable to what we do during Christmas, minus the wrapping everything in lights of course.

My family spent most of our time up at our cabin through Easter. We had quite a bit of rain/snow stuff while we were up there so I worked for a lot of my time on my knitting, but we were blessed with wonderful weather the last two days that I was there so I was able to take part in my family's annual  Easter Ski Race and go out on a ski trip the second day! Sadly, I have to say I did not win first place in the ski race, but I was very satisfied to be able to say I only fell three times! Cross country skiing is not exactly on my list of strong suits, haha! But, some kind Easter chickens came to visit us afterwards so of course it was all ok. ;) 

Other than all the falling, I do actually have a lot of fun skiing! Its kinda like just going on a hike, just with skis on instead of boots and usually always ends in some kind of chocolate, grilling hot dogs and hot coffee, so who would dislike that?

Påske kyllinger! Easter chickens!

Typical Norwegian food when out on a Easter ski trip. Kvikk Lunsj (like Norwegian Kit-Kat) and oranges! 

I also went to church on Sunday with my Norwegian Grandma, because that's my Easter tradition. I found it to be very different than the American Christian church, mainly being not so loud! But it was nice anyways and the church was beautiful as well!

The view to the right of the church of the fjord! Pretty beautiful, but not the best picture!

We also of course got Easter candy! We each got maps of the general area of where ours was around the house and we had to go out and search! Mine took probably too long to find and ended up taking three people, but eventually I had my first Norwegian Påske egg!

In all it was a really fun Easter break, definitely one I will always remember! Hope everyone's was great as well. :)

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