Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thought Trains, Awkward FE Student Moments, Halloween and Pie.

So, I sit down this evening with no specific bright ideas or subjects to write about. So I guess we will just see where this goes! Really trying my best at blogging every weekend and so far I think I'm doing fairly well? With my very easily distracted self, I do at times find it to be more of an uphill battle though. One second I'm writing about my day, when an email comes and suddenly I'm watching YouTube videos on how to apply make up to your legs (weird I know but seriously, its a thing). Oh and for my train of thought? Yeah, that left the station a long time ago.

Anyways, like always, life's good! I am understanding more and more Norwegian, so of course that is really great. Its usually a nice thing to be able to understand what people are saying around you, haha! Most importantly though I don't have to do the foreigner "Just smile, nod and pray to God that it wasn't a question" thing. It's always makes for an very awkward moment when someone asks something like, "Hi, how are you?" and your just standing there, smiling up to your ears, nodding away...

I'm really trying to force myself to speak more Norwegian though. It's incredibly easy to just speak to everyone in English, especially people my age. Everyone in Norway has an English course in school since they are in the fourth grade, so most can speak pretty fluently and I would say that the vast majority of Norway can at least understand most English. So as you can probably understand that's a good and bad thing. It's nice to always be able to get my point across, but it as well doesn't really force me to learn the language as fast as I could. So at this point I'm trying to speak a mix of Norwegian as much as I can with words I don't know in English. My family here has been so incredibly helpful with trying to help me learn as well, so that has been really nice to be able to talk to them and ask them questions. :)

Oh and Halloween was a couple days ago! In Norway it is not nearly as big of a deal as in the US though so a lot of people don't really do anything for it. Little kids still get all dressed up though and go trick or treating, so I met some very adorable Zombies and Witches. Adults and teenagers don't really too much special that day though, but I did carve a pumpkin! Taught my younger host brother the art of properly gutting and carving this orange fruit/veggie (actually, that's a really good question, is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable??) and he was a pro! We named them Bernard and Bernetta. Bernard though, rest his little seed filled heart, had his life cut short by a baseball bat and pavement. But he will always remain in our memories...

Norway doesn't do very much with pumpkins though, so they're often not in stock, which the day after Halloween I came to an understanding of. This of course being because of Thanksgiving and to me its most necessary dish, Pumpkin Pie. After going into the three different shops we have in Bjugn, I have to regrettably report that it does not look like we will be having any pumpkin pie this year. But ya know, if anyone feels the need though to smuggle a can in from the states for a certain someone it would not be put to waste...just sayin...

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