Friday, June 21, 2013

Packing, School and Google relationships.

One month and twenty one days until departure (or something like that).
I can not believe that in less that two months I will be traveling out of The States for the first time in my life, it seriously seems just too good to be true, but here I am!
Anyways, life has been pretty busy. At this time I am still working my normal two part time job schedule and getting everything ready and together for the trip. Packing is turning into a job all in itself, as I am going to try and bring the one bag with a maximum of 40 lbs. weight (holy crap) for an entire year. I'm pretty sure I'll end up giving in and buying a second bag... but at this point I'm staying strong! Haha.

School recently ended a couple weeks ago which takes a load of the stress away in itself, but leaving was still bittersweet. It's hard when you have to look around at a school, teachers, friends and memories that come along with them, all of which have sculpted and molded you over the years and think, "I'm not going to be a part of ANY of this for a year..." After living in such a small town, that you know pretty much everyone in, as they know you, it kinda becomes hard to imagine yourself without it. 
But, although sad to leave my tiny little town that has grown enormously on me over the years, I am BEYOND excited to explore a new country and see and experience things that I have never encountered ever before in my life. Basically, holy crap... I finally get to travel! :)
 Since I've talked so much about my town today, I thought I would post a picture. So below is a photo of The Dalles Oregon. The entire town sits pretty much on a hillside with orchards on the highest hills (to the left of this photo). It makes for some gorgeous scenery, but it's a killer if you have allergies like mine.

Oh! I've been practicing my Norwegian (or well trying to). I've found that good old Google translate is becoming my worst enemy... although he (yes my Google account is a he) is great for translating Norwegian to English, I find that his skills on translating English to Norwegian are often very tragically wrong... and for this reason our relationship is in a constant imbalance. But, on a more positive note, Google's language flaws have allowed me to meet my second language love, (Sons of Because of this new found friend, I've been creating many flashcards and annoying the crud out of my poor family with my poor pronunciation.

Well I believe that will be the end of my post for now, I am headed off to the movies with my little sister. Woooooh for matinee cheap prices! Thanks for reading! :)